Turkey Sausage Rutabaga Pie

Mi amigos! I am proud to introduce to you a breakfast, a lunch, a dinner or a snack (if you’re freaky) which will blow your low carb minds. It is a fairly fast and easy recipe that is immersed with much flavor as the natural aromatics in the dish compliment each other greatly. It is a rich meal for…

Best Workout parks just outside of Montreal

My fondest memories as a child were outdoors and involved skipping rope, climbing, sliding down and running but usually had ended with scraped, bloody knees and a nap. Now that I have matured as a ridiculously responsible adult that always behaves in a serious manner (For those that know me, I wrote it for your chuckle), sometimes…

Night Shift and Working out

 From emergency dispatchers to doctors, responders to construction workers and let’s please not forget our homecare support workers require us to not only work odd hours such as the reputable “graveyard” shift but to work long hours that can stretch out to double shifts. It is already a challenge to maintain or even jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. Working on the opposite…

Color Me Rad 2k16 in Montreal*

For quite some time, I have been watching massive amounts of people join into the fun of turning race and/or marathons into a fun, colorful, party-style cardio event for the whole family to enjoy. For the past few years, the rising popularity of health management have left us no other choice but to take action before…

Beating Adult Acne

They told me I would only get this way during puberty. They said they’ll go away if I stopped touching them, if I stayed positive, if I used their products, their creams, their oil free cleansing anti-sebum dirt fighting alcohol infused DIY creams! They sold me these lies during such a vulnerable time of my…

My Health: The golden ticket to reaching your goal

I have been on my gym high lately as I have had some fitness, nutrition and weight loss goals. It has been going well with a few natural ups and downs. I am not too worried about how fast I am getting to my goals and mostly concerned with staying consistent. It is easy to stay…

My Health: Meal Prep

I have already created a post on Meal Prepping entitled “Meal Prep like a Boss’“ where you can find useful tips on how to be organized by planning ahead of time, while making more than just adequate food choices and how to turn this into a habit. This brings me to my main point.    …

Orange and Beet Salad

Something I am loving right now is obviously the weather but even better is the different food that we have access to this time of year. Produce taste that much sweeter and richer.  Beets and oranges are food that we commonly have an exuberant supply of during the winter season. This month, right in between…

My health: Bouncing Back

Life will consistently throw you a couple of hard ones. It almost seems destined that every time there is a stability in one’s own life, there has to be something either stronger or absolutely beyond control that can lead one to feeling  that their chances of finding that same stability is jeopardized. If you are…