Two minds are better than one: Working out with a partner

I always hated on working out with a partner. Mainly because it is fairly difficult to find a partner that is on the same level as you, without feeling like you will come in the way of their workout or vice versa. Definitely not all wrong. Many people will agree that there are both pros…

Best Workout parks just outside of Montreal

My fondest memories as a child were outdoors and involved skipping rope, climbing, sliding down and running but usually had ended with scraped, bloody knees and a nap. Now that I have matured as a ridiculously responsible adult that always behaves in a serious manner (For those that know me, I wrote it for your chuckle), sometimes…

Night Shift and Working out

 From emergency dispatchers to doctors, responders to construction workers and let’s please not forget our homecare support workers require us to not only work odd hours such as the reputable “graveyard” shift but to work long hours that can stretch out to double shifts. It is already a challenge to maintain or even jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. Working on the opposite…

Color Me Rad 2k16 in Montreal*

For quite some time, I have been watching massive amounts of people join into the fun of turning race and/or marathons into a fun, colorful, party-style cardio event for the whole family to enjoy. For the past few years, the rising popularity of health management have left us no other choice but to take action before…

From Sweaty to Ready: Maintaining Good Hair and a Fitness Schedule

Keeping up with a healthy routine involves lot of preparation, mental angst, self-discipline and of course sacrifices. Maintaining your hairstyle and going to a gym can become a dilemma for many. You’ve either paid for it or it has likely consumed quite some time to get it looking as good as it does. Furthermore, it takes even more effort…

3 Things happened when I stopped saying : I HATE Running

I hope as you read this that you can identify a part of your lazy self to call him/her out. I was a fat kid, gone fatter, got chubby and then discovered the journey of fitness to then say fuck it and get back to where I started. But my cardio though… Let’s face it,…

Do it Yourself – Steps to a Perfect At-Home Pedicure

We all have our beauty regimens that may derive from tradition but have now become a habit. Whether you are an avid customer to your local nail salon or maybe prefer to sit at home with a glass of Chardonnay, it is definitely essential to give yourself some well deserve “me-time”. Prepare yourself for your spa,…

Getting out of a Fitness Funk

It is inevitable that one week, you feel like superman or wonderwoman while the next you want to live like your life is an all inclusive vacation. It is only natural that our hormones, our schedules, our personal lives or really anything can come in the way of a workout routine. It is our responsibility…

Meeting Wilson Colas

Wilson Colas also known as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The reason is plain, he is an extreme motivator as well as an inspirational fitness coach and Insanity instructor by day. By night, he is an alcohol slanging, fist pumping, martini shaking bartender. We meet people everyday, where some inspire more than others. We often come across…

From Salad to Sangria

Salad to Sangria: Turning your Snack to your Favorite Summer Cocktail Advisory: This article is Foolproof There is absolutely no shortage of sangria recipes swimming through the river banks of the world-wide web. This is merely a suggestion but an affirmation that this is an obvious 2 for 1 deal within your own kitchen. You…